Domestique bistro
Visual identity
September - February 2022

In bicycle racing, a domestique is a rider who works for the benefit of their team, rather than trying to win the race. Being a Domestique is being a professional and proud servant (food & drinks, care & service repair). His work is lagged behind, but plays
a huge role in the win of the team leader.
This characteristic principal has been used when creating the font in the logotype; there is an invisible connecting line in the circled shapes of the letters. Symbolically, only then are the wheels complete and can turn and move forward.

Client: Jiří Vent & Petr Pánek
Address: Za Ženskými domovy 124/3, Praha 5, Smíchov

© Alice Fialová
                        ︎  ︎  ︎

Open for freelance/ short-term / long-term work.
Currently based in The Netherlands (Zuid-Holland),
working on demand internationally.